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Best 5 Fishing Tips About Weather

Thu, 07/16/2009 - 09:30 -- jmaslar

Familiarity with seasonal correlations between weather and hatches is obviously important, but variations in daily weather patterns are likely to have a more profound influence on angling tactics.


1. Both trout and aquatic insects tend to be more active in low light, and cloudy conditions spread these light conditions over a longer part of the day.

The eyes of trout are capable of relatively rapid adjustment to changes in light intensity, so they have an advantage over their prey in low light.

3.  The mixing action of rain hitting the water's surface oxygenates the water, which may raise the activity level of the fish.  Also, rain will moderate the temperature of the water.

4.  Wind can cause some serious problems, so get as close to your prey and let the wind hide your approach.

5.  Rapidly changing barometric pressure is usually a problem, but a steady or slow change in barometric pressure provides good fishing.

To see these tips discussed in much more detail watch for Class 2051 "Weather Affects Trout Fishing" coming soon.

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