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Black Friday

Sun, 11/30/2008 - 07:37 -- smaslar

While most people are waiting in line at 3:00 a.m. outside a Walmart the day after Thanksgiving, we at Troutu typically go trout fishing.  This year, Troutu students Tommy, Brian, Matthew, and I met up with a couple of guys (Marc and Dan) Troutu is trying to recruit as adjunct professors for a fishing expedition no one is going to forget soon.  Our day started with a necessary participation in Black Friday - we stopped at Dick's Sporting Goods at 5:00 a.m. to find some fishing lures.  While the line from Walmart reached to the front of Dick's we were able to get in and out of Dick's in minutes with the goods.

As usual, we all shared breakfast at Bojangles' with a bunch of ugly men in camoflouge going hunting, before hitting the stream.  On the stream, the fish weren't tearing it up, but the expedition managed to catch 16 trout, though the pictures of fish were taken on a disposable still camera and are not shown (except for one being cooked on the fire for lunch) in the video below.  The video does, however, show some of the stream, fishing, mountain climbing, and streamside hotdog lunch.  I think we had more fun than the folks waiting at Walmart.

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