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Everything You Need to Know About Knots

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 09:39 -- jmaslar

Tying knots must be as old as time itselt. Even in ancient times, boats must have been tied up with knots and Tarzan tied up Jane. I guess I was not good at being a boy scout, so I never mastered many knots. Now, as a fisherman, I have learned some of the basic and necessary knots but I never learned more than the basics. Recently I found Animated Knots by Grog which does the most amazing job of teaching how to tie knots. Not only are there fishing knots, but knots for climbing, boating, rescue, splicing and many more uses.

Have you ever heard of the Bimini Knot, the Austrailian Braid or Egg Loop knots?  Well on this site, knot tyeing is automated and by clicking on each frame, you can see the individual steps to each knot. He explains the uses and the advantages of each knot as well as the how to. I have never seen such a complete guide. Try it and you will be amazed!



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