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Exciting New Classes Coming Soon!

Wed, 04/08/2009 - 10:26 -- jmaslar

We at Trout University are very excited about two new classes to expect soon.  One from Tom Rosenbauer about the chemistry of trout streams.  He gives his valuable insight into the tell tale signs to look for when evaluating unfamiliar streams.  What is it that separates a good trout stream with high concentrations of fat trout from a very similar trout stream with low concentrations of smaller trout?  Then, what flies to use and how to fish both types of streams. 

Want to go beyond snapshots that will be thrown into the dresser drawer when you get home? Then watch for the class about improving your fly fishing photography by guest professor Zach Matthews from the Itinerant Angler.  Zach and his wife are committed fly fishermen with a vast knowledge of photography as well.  They condense a great amount of knowledge into ten steps that will improve your shots. Learn more about Zach and the Itinerant Angler by going to Friends of TroutU and clicking on the Itinerant Angler.

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