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Fishing Car

Fri, 03/13/2009 - 06:40 -- smaslar

Every serious fisher needs a fishing car.  That's right -- a fishing car.  Not a car that fishes , but one that can be packed up with fishing gear in a moment's notice (or is already packed up), you don't have to worry about getting covered in mud or leaving old french fries in the seat, and that either gets good gas mileage (depending on how far you live from the trout stream) or has 4WD capabilities (depending on how hard it is to get to the trout stream).  Oh yeah, cup holders and a good map light would be nice.  A radio is optional.  The most important feature of a fishing car is that you're not concerned about resale value.  My vehicle of choice is a 1990-93 Buick Century or Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, the preferred vehicles of mailmen everywhere (I'm not kidding) for there durability and low cost.  Happy motoring!  Don't mind the yogurt stain; it's long since dried.

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