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Getting Started Fly Fishing For Trout Ebook

Wed, 02/20/2013 - 22:00 -- smaslar

I'm glad to announce that after a winter of writing and not fishing, we've recently added our newest ebook to the troutu online store - Getting Started Fly Fishing For Trout. This will be a great resource for anyone interested in learning the basics. without having to search all over the web and being overwhelmed with too much information for a begginer. The book is also available in Kindle format from Amazon, and we hope to have it available on other ebook platforms soon, as well. This illustrated ebook covers the basics on trout species and their habits, types of trout streams, flies, hatches and hatch charts, equipment and clothing, knots, casts, tactics, how to find places to fish, handling trout, and more! Also, be sure to check out the other media, including a ton of fly fishing DVD's, and several more trout fishing books including several ebooks, and our friend Jim Casada's print edition book on fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

PS Keep checking back, as we are adding new products for the 2013 season, including Flymen fly tying products, and a host of new flies!

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