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Trout Fishing with Kids in New Jersey

Mon, 04/27/2009 - 16:29 -- jmaslar

In April, New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife starts stocking trout in streams and lakes, and here is the stocking schedule.

Fisheries staffer Kevin Swanson stocking trout in New Jersey.


 Some 600,000 trout will be stocked in April and May, so why not let your Kid get his or her share? For some excellent information about New Jersey trout fishing with Kids, go to New Jersey's Great Northwest Skyline

Here is some of their advice:  For kids the best introduction to trout fishing happens from an environment that allows them to focus on the fish and catching them. So fishing from a dock or pleasant shoreline is preferred. Rougher surroundings with more difficult access can be frustrating to kids when casting into trees or getting snagged on rocks or submerged tree parts can result in lost hooks, bait, lures and time. 

To learn more about fishing with Kids take a short Trout University Class 1012 Fishing with Kids and be sure that you know the NJ regulations.

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