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Trout Fishing Vacation

Thu, 05/07/2009 - 16:00 -- jmaslar

The trout streams are overflowing from a huge rainfall, so yes, I took a day of vacation today with no Trout University business, not even reading the mail.  The reason that I gave up trout fiahing is that I got to spend the day with our youngest grand child, Emma Mae.  She is four years old and the only time that I can sit down is while she is asleep which is only about one hour each day. 

We saw videos, we played in the play house, we washed the deck and washed Papa with the hose as well.  Then we played Old Maid and guess who got to be the Old Maid.  After that it was more videos, and then brain surgery on the white moose, and then scrabble.  Oh, Oh!  I hear her calling "Papa"....gotta run.