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Blueback Trout Species

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 11:12 -- jmaslar

I was talking to a good customer of Trout University yesterday and he told me about blueback trout which I had never heard of before. It seem that he is from Vermont and fishes a great deal in Northwest Maine where he came across the blueback trout. It is actually a char and it is believed that is of European descent. The blueback trout  is native to the headwaters of the St. John and Penobscot rivers, Black Lake, Deboullie Lake, Gardner Lake, Purshineer Pond, Big Reed Pond, and Rainbow Lake. It has been stocked in Idaho, other parts of Maine, New Hampshire Massachusetts and New York.

Fly Fishing in Warm Weather

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 15:58 -- jmaslar

Here in North Carolina we are starting to face the extremely warm weather of summer as we usually do in June, and we are concerned with the warm water temperature issue while fly fishing for trout. Water temperature is very important anytime of the year but especially during the hot summer season.

Cold Water Trout Fishing

Sun, 12/25/2011 - 09:22 -- jmaslar

While enjoying our night before Christmas with my son Stephen and his family, I asked him if he was going to go trout fishing during the Holidays. He said that he would try to get out on Monday, January 2.  I suspect that will present a fair opportunity as the water temperature should be above 45 degrees and most probably near 50 degrees, due to the unusually warm weather this year here in North Carolina; and I am well aware of the water temperature and the effects that it has on trout.

Rare Blue Trout

Sat, 07/30/2011 - 09:40 -- jmaslar

Blue Rainbow Trout are a rare mutation that occurs in hatchery production of rainbow and brown trout. It is so rare that one hatchery has reported that in a spawn of about 40 million eggs only about 30 of them are indeed blue. If you are looking to hook one of these rare trout, you should expect to catch millions of fish first or maybe not.  Ronnie Goodwin was able to capture one as seen on his stunning video embedded below.

Smoky Mountains Brook Trout Report

Sat, 07/09/2011 - 11:13 -- jmaslar

Recently, my good friend James Marsh and Christopher Tobias had an opportunity to spend a few days fly fishing primarily for brook trout in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Chris had served 8 years in the Marines and completed 3 tours of duty overseas including one in Iraq. Now, he wanted to get in some fly fishing before heading out on a deployment with the Army in Afghanistan. He picked the perfect partner in James Marsh who is our resident expert in the GSMNP although he is too modest to admit it.


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