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French and Spanish Nymphing Leaders

Tue, 06/29/2010 - 16:08 -- jmaslar

I have been told that the European flyfishermen have been prevailing in trout fishing contests, so with the help of my good friend Ken Sperry of the Fly Fishing Reporter, I did some investigating. I found that unlike the Czech Nymphing technique which is similar to "high stickin" and uses a short leader, the French Spanish leader is much longer and frequently reaches 18 feet in length.

Landing that Trophy Trout

Sat, 06/19/2010 - 09:06 -- jmaslar

Luckily we are blessed with waters that hold trophy sized brown and rainbow trout. Almost every trip down the S. Holston river our guest hook up with one of these giants. Landing these fish on light line, small flies, and in limestone laden rock gardens can present a real dilemma.

Identifying Aquatic Insects and Selecting the Correct Fly

Wed, 04/28/2010 - 16:03 -- jmaslar

When you are on a stream for the first time, the most important thing for a fly fishing angler to do is to identify the types of aquatic insects and the stage of the hatch for those insects. From this information, the angler can intelligently select the correct fly pattern to duplicate the species and the life cycle of insects the trout are currently eating. You may select a nymph, dun, wet dun, spinner, cripple etc. depending on your findings.

Nymphing Tactics with The Hendrickson

Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:21 -- jmaslar

To continue our discussion of mayfly nymphing tactics, we need to understand a little about entomology.  The Hendrickson nymphs are not excellent swimmers or clingers so they are in the crawling or "catch all" category of mayflies. They are important because the trout can eat them more easily than the clinger type of mayflies like the Quill Gordons and the March Browns.

Trout Fishing Multi-tasking

Fri, 03/26/2010 - 06:42 -- smaslar

One of the things that has always been interesting to me, is what I call multi-tasking while trout fishing.  In this case, what I mean, is that you can include other activities with your trout fishing.  This could be as simple as floating down a river in a drift boat or canoe, hiking/backpacking along a remote stream while trout fishing, or simply taking a quick swim in the pools of the stream.  Here are some other interesting multi-tasking trout fishing excursions in my area of the country:

Winter Fly Fishing Tips

Sat, 02/13/2010 - 11:17 -- jmaslar

Winter Fishing Tips:
Just because you are cold don’t assume that the trout are cold and not feeding. Many of us have caught hundreds of trout in the mounatins of North Carolin and Tennessee when the water was between 45 degrees and 50 degrees and even when it was below 45 degrees! Of course you will need to slow down your presentations, and have confidence expecting to catch fish. I can not stress enough that the winter fishing required slowness and stealth!

Fly Fishing with a Streamer

Wed, 02/10/2010 - 10:49 -- jmaslar

When the waters are high and off color as they are now in the Southeast as well as other parts of the country, it is time to go to the trusty old streamers. Many anglers are reluctant to use streamers because they lack the visual appeal of dry flies, and they lack the delicate touch of a nymph. But streamers are effective for a variety of reasons.


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