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Thingamabobber Strike Indicator

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 09:04 -- jmaslar

 When I was fishing in Florida using live shad for bait, I often used colorful baloons as bobbers or "strike indicators".  When the baloons would move rapidly over the surface of the water, that would indicate that the bait was being pursued by a bass, and when the baloon was starting to go under the water, I would set the hook.

Fly Fishing Tip: Cleaning Your Fly Line

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 11:51 -- jmaslar

In the early summer, the performance of your fly line can deteriorate due to dirt or residue build up on the line.  Dirt can get on the line if you are stripping from shore or when you are handling the trout.  Algae is  found in all waters and it is a culprit that can cling to the fly line causing poor performance as well. You may notice the trout fishing fly line is not floating as well as it once did and so it is time to clean the line. 

Fishing Rod Holder is Featured Product at Trout University

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 15:48 -- jmaslar

Trout University is proud to announce the featured product this week is the"Fish Hands Free Rod Holder" now available at Store.  If you hurry, you may be able to purchase it at auction.  However, soon it will become an inventory item listed at $9.99 each while supplies last.

This ingenius device invented by my friend Dave Walko, is so simple you would wonder why you have not thought of it yourself.  It can be attached to any vest in minutes, and will hold the rod securely in place freeing the hands for other tasks.

Fly Fishing: Favorite Tippet

Wed, 04/22/2009 - 14:10 -- jmaslar

Here is the result of a poll completed by my friend David Knapp at the blog Trout Zone.  It is worth a reprint here as well. The poll ended yesterday and it looks like the majority of you either use Orvis or Rio tippet products. Lots of others have a loyal following but it looks like those two are the favorites. Now, we have something better with PerfectFlex tippet.


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