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Trout Fishing Instructional DVD's are Here Now!

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 15:10 -- jmaslar

Consistent with the Chancellor’s philosophy at Trout University, we have searched the internet and other sources and have found the very best trout fishing educational DVD’s. Most fishing DVD’s show an angler catching trout and do little teaching, but these DVD’s by James Marsh and Angie Marsh are dedicated to teaching trout fishing.

Since 1998, Angie and James have fly-fished in forty-four states (James 49). The couple doesn't spend their time selling fly gear, guiding or in any other related business connected with fly fishing, they spend it fly-fishing.

They fly-fish, on camera, year round throughout the nation on a regular basis. As of November 12, 2006, the date this was written, they had already spent over two-hundred days fly-fishing for trout during the first ten months of the year of 2006. They have caught and made videos of just about every item of trout food that exist including most all the important species of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies.

The production of these programs has and still is taking a lot of time, money and considerable effort. Unlike most fly-fishing videos, their videos are not shot in a day or two at one or two locations. Each of them is digitally recorded from coast to coast on dozens of different streams. Hundreds of hours have been spent capturing, studying and shooting close-ups of insects and other trout food.

Production of fly-fishing videos is their profession, not a part time effort to promote another related job, product or business. Teaching others to fish has been a lifetime endeavor for James. 

Currently we have several Fly Fishing Instructional DVD's available with more to come including "Fly Fishing The Great Smoky Mountains National Park" and "Fly Fishing the Yellowstone National Park"

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