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December 2015

WFC Fly Fishing Expo This Weekend

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 14:40 -- jmaslar

The 6th Annual WNC Fly Fishing Expo is set for Dec. 5 and 6 at the Expo Center located on the grounds of the WNC Agricultural Center. This two-day fly-fishing extravaganza provides anglers a forum to sharpen their skills and learn about the latest innovations in their sport. It’s become the Southeast’s largest event for fly-fishers, averaging more than 1,000 visitors over the course of the weekend.

WFC Fly Fishing Expo This Weekend

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 14:40 -- jmaslar

The 6th Annual WNC Fly Fishing Expo is set for Dec. 5 and 6 at the Expo Center located on the grounds of the WNC Agricultural Center. This two-day fly-fishing extravaganza provides anglers a forum to sharpen their skills and learn about the latest innovations in their sport. It’s become the Southeast’s largest event for fly-fishers, averaging more than 1,000 visitors over the course of the weekend.

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