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Fishing Line spooler

Are you tired of spooling line on to your reels, having the line snarl, the spool of line fall, etc.?  We have tried many ways to accomplish this feat and have been frustrated, so we designed our own spooler that we will make available in our store soon. It is superior and more economical than anything out there now.   So,please use the contact form in the "about" tab if you are interested in purchasing this item.


Car Tags with Logos

 Car Tags are an idea to show off and support your cause. We have developed a technique to laser cut logos and text on to a stainless steel “LICENCE PLATE”.  They do look very nice with a logo from Trout Unlimited, or a racing team, or a university, or a Harley Davidson, etc. They can be displayed on the front of your car, truck, motorcycle or other vehicle.  We think that we can price them very competitively in quantities of 50.

Cinderella Vest

Cinderella vest for children was started when Steve envisioned a vest for his 3 year old daughter Emma, something to put her into the sport.  He wanted a place for the sippy cup, sunglasses, and most of all, a large pocket for snacks.   So we had a seamstress custom make one.  Quite a few ladies commented how darling it was, so we made some more vests and have them for sale if you contact us via the "Contacts" tab. 

TechVest Development

For years we have struggled with fly fishing vests that lacked organization for the fly fishing tools, were bulky, hard to get into, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, too loose at time and too tight at times. We took it upon ourselves to find just the right vest.

When leaving a trout fishing habitat remember to:

1.)   Remove any visible plants, fish or animals from clothing and equipment.

2.)  Remove mud and dirt since it too may contain a hitchhiker.

3.)  Eliminate water from all equipment before transporting anywhere.

4.)  Clean and dry anything that came in contact with the water.

Here are some items that are guaranteed to make the trip more comfortable and eliminate some potential problems.

1.  Toilet paper in an air tight zip loc bag.  This provides REAL comfort, but can easily be forgotten!

2. Car keys and if possible, give a spare key to your fishing companion.

3. Several watertight lunch bags to save your, remote entry car keys, cell phone, wallet, snacks, etc. As if, anyone would fall in!


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