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Picking Your First Fishing Rod

Fri, 06/26/2015 - 10:06 -- jmaslar

Before you go fishing, there is a lot of gear that you will need, one of the most important being the fishing rod. However, with the huge selection of rods on the market, you can find yourself unable to know which one to pick, especially when purchasing online. Ask yourself these questions before going into your local fishing store so that you have all of the information ready for the salesperson.

What Skill Level Are You At?

You may have fished before, using other people’s rods, or going on a charter where they supply the gear, so knowing your level of skill in fishing will help you make an informed decision on what rod is right for you. If you are a beginner, it may be easier to pick a common rod, whereas, if you are an experienced fisherman, you may have a certain type of rod that you are used to:

  • Lighter and smaller rods can be more suited to beginners as they are easier to use, and the fish that you can catch with them aren’t as difficult to pull up.
  • Specialised rods are better for experienced fisherman as they know what they are capable of doing and what to expect when they pull up a heavier fish.

What Are You Fishing For?

What type of fish are you looking to catch? Knowing what fish you are going to be looking for will help you be able to choose the appropriate rod as different fish live in different bodies of water and at different levels within the water. You will need to know what fish you are fishing before making a decision on a rod as this affects the length and weight required.

  • If you are deep sea fishing for fish such as tuna, a heavy duty rod with a strong line would be suitable to avoid the line snapping as you pull the fish up.
  • If you are fishing for trout, there are specific rods for trout fishing, however you could use an ultra light fishing rod as they are closer to the surface and the water is calmer than the ocean.

Where Are You Fishing?

What area will you be fishing in? Rivers, lakes, the ocean, each different place requires a different type of rod to deal with the conditions each area presents. Knowing where you will be fishing prior to purchasing your rod will help you know what conditions you will be fishing in, and therefore what kind of gear you will need.

  • Lakes, rivers, and calmer waters can suit smaller, and lighter rods as the water is less likely to throw your line around.
  • Ocean and surf fishing would suit heavy duty, and sometimes bigger, rods so that they can withstand the water currents and depth.

Are You Fishing Off a Boat, Land, or In Water?

How you are planning on fishing will determine what length of rod you need. Different methods of fishing involve using different muscles in your body, and different requirements for your fishing gear. Your rod will have to be chosen specifically to what method you are wanting to do.

  • Fishing from shore will require a longer cast as you are further away from where the fish are. and so a longer rod will be more appropriate to reach that length.
  • When jigging or fishing for panfish, a shorter rod would work better as it allows for more comfortable, all day fishing, and as you are standing, comfort will be important.
  • Fishing off a boat will require a heavier duty rod to deal with the water current and the fact that you will be moving around, these rods may be short or long depending on how deep you are wanting to go in the water.

Once your have got your rod, grab the rest of your gear and get out there! Happy fishing.

Rod Smith

As the former President of the Boating Industry Association, Rod’s passion for boating and fishing is utilised in his current role as Managing Director of CH Smith Marine. Offering his masterful expertise, Rod ensures that customers leave with a love for the sea that parallels his own.


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