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July 2013

Water Temperature and Trout

Fri, 07/26/2013 - 09:41 -- jmaslar

Now in the peak of summer it is time once again to do the trout a favor and discuss water temperature and how it relates to trout and specifically trout fishing. Remember, not the air temperature but the water temperature is what we are discussing. It is a well known fact that water temperature has a big impact on trout’s metabolism. The higher the temperature above their comfort zone the more they are stressed.


Water Temperature and Trout

Fri, 07/26/2013 - 09:41 -- jmaslar

Now in the peak of summer it is time once again to do the trout a favor and discuss water temperature and how it relates to trout and specifically trout fishing. Remember, not the air temperature but the water temperature is what we are discussing. It is a well known fact that water temperature has a big impact on trout’s metabolism. The higher the temperature above their comfort zone the more they are stressed.

Fly Fishing When There is No hatch

Thu, 07/04/2013 - 19:43 -- jmaslar

Trout waters are nearing flood conditions in my neck of the woods so I will only think about fishing. I am wondering what approach would be best when you spend a bunch of dough, drive three hours to your favorite stream and there is no hatch occurring. In the rare event that there no hatches taking place, I believe that I would choose a nymph. But I would choose a nymph or larva imitation that was most plentiful and available for trout to eat; and in many cases it would be a swimmer nymph.

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