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November 2013

Aaron Run Recovery

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 09:57 -- jmaslar

My love for brook trout started many years ago when my son caught his first brook trout. It was a beautiful colored trout about 10” long. After carefully removing the hook, we let it go to swim away. I was impressed with its natural beauty. Since then we have fished the higher elevations of the Smoky Mountains Stream for the native trout for many years; and that is not to say that we don’t fish for the larger browns or the colorful rainbows, but we love the brookies.

Basic Trout Water Types

Tue, 11/12/2013 - 14:38 -- jmaslar

If you are an experienced fisherman, recognizing the types of water found in a typical trout stream is second nature. But if you are an occasional trout fishermen, a little review may be necessary to get us all on the same “page”. Without getting into a great deal of detail, there are only about five basic types of trout water. Of course there other types depending on just how much detail you want to get into.

More Great Flies Now Available

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 16:21 -- jmaslar

About a year ago, we experimented with making Perfect Flies available for sale on TroutProStore. We started with a select number of flies to imitate the aquatic insects found primarily in the Eastern and Mid Western streams. However, the flies have been received so entheustically and the sales have been so good, that we decided to expand our fly selection not only to the Eastern USA but also to include many if not most of the more common flies found in the Western USA streams.

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Troutprostore is here to help you fish smarter by offering the most innovative and highest quality trout fishing products.

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