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August 2013

Wading Safely in High Water

Thu, 08/01/2013 - 12:13 -- jmaslar

This year it has been especially wet with heavy rainfalls especially here in the south. We in Charlotte have experienced dangerous flooding in July which is usually a very dry month. This is a good time to discuss some of the best tips for safely wading the swollen streams; in fact these tips are good at any time. Here are my five best tips:

Wading Safely in High Water

Thu, 08/01/2013 - 12:13 -- jmaslar

This year it has been especially wet with heavy rainfalls especially here in the south. We in Charlotte have experienced dangerous flooding in July which is usually a very dry month. This is a good time to discuss some of the best tips for safely wading the swollen streams; in fact these tips are good at any time. Here are my five best tips:

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